♥ ([info]ifuckinghate) wrote in [info]thequestionclub,
@ 2007-07-06 21:59:00
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Why do you all suck, so so so so so much

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2007-07-06 06:00 pm (local) (link) Track This
Cuz it feels and tastes so good.

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2007-07-06 06:01 pm (local) (link) Track This
Because you should LEARN how to write a pleasing resume yourself. Copying and pasting will do nothing but cheat you out of the experience of marketing yourself to an employer. I doubt an employer who has you in front of them wanting a job will want to know you planned to cut and paste someone else's resume.

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2007-07-06 06:01 pm (local) (link) Track This
where is the question mark?

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2007-07-06 06:01 pm (local) (link) Track This

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2007-07-06 06:01 pm (local) (link) Track This


You need it.

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2007-07-06 06:02 pm (local) (link) DeleteTrack This
Comment Posted Successfully

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